June 16, 2019 | 11:07 am
Welcome to the world, sweet girl! We’re so glad you’re here!

June 16, 2019 | 11:07 am
Welcome to the world, sweet girl! We’re so glad you’re here!
June 16, 2019 | 5:31 am
The long, slow labor of a sunny-side-up baby at 42 weeks. Welcome to the world, sweet girl! We’re so glad you’re here!
I am in the thick of a very busy and birth-filled June. As I recover from being on the welcoming committee for new babies and wait for the next call to photograph a birth, I’ve been laying low, sticking close to home in Minneapolis, and making sure that I charge my batteries (literally and figuratively, ha!). Here are a few links that resonated with me this week while I spent some time online in between attending births, spending time with loved ones, and editing photographs of labor and delivery and Real Postpartum portrait sessions.
“The clearest message that we get from this 75-year study is this: Good relationships keep us happier and healthier. Period.”
.This is funny. Related: these are my favorite and I keep a bunch of them in my car for groceries, visits to Tare, and hauling the water jars that tend to accumulate in my passenger seat back into the house #hydrationiskey
I love a good adult onesie (so funny, so true)
We started incorporating “recency bias” a few weeks ago to prevent the Sunday Scaries and I’m thrilled about our lovely new habit. So far, we’ve been to a concert, watched a movie, and biked to our favorite restaurant for dinner and it’s so wonderful to end the weekend on a high note.
Speaking of movies, have you seen this one yet? It has 97% on Rotten Tomatoes!
Just in time for summer, my favorite blogger came out with a list of her favorite sun protection options for kiddos
“Technology is here to stay, so find ways to incorporate and use it to enhance your family relationships. In addition, recognize the potential for isolation and distance technology presents so you can take steps to avoid those traps.”
If you’ve ever been in the car with me while top 40 radio is on, you know that I adore Shawn Mendes. This isn’t new, but it’s always a daymaker, and I thought of it while I was scream-singing his new single at the top of my lungs on a gorgeous Minneapolis evening this week. I hope you enjoy his smile, charm, and voice as much as I do.
These nut butter packets are my go-to birth snack. Bonus: the company was founded by women!
Your favorite grillable + this side + this salad = the perfect summer meal
Speaking of summer, one of my goals is to get better at knots
On education in America: “But after decades of organizing and giving, I have come to the uncomfortable conclusion that I was wrong. And I hate being wrong.”
Another one of my favorite bloggers compiled this list of ethical clothing brands a while back
I beg you, for the good of your children and this planet, please stop buying plastic crap.
If you’re in the Twin Cities, check out these fantastic businesses:
Hola Postpartum: an amazing new postpartum meal delivery service
Northern Natural Gardens: a sustainable landscape company specializing in native plants, pollinator gardens, and invasive plant removal and I am so stoked about their mission
Organized Period: a professional organizer in the Twin Cities who can help get your clutter under control
On a personal note, I spent some time with a different kind of client this week doing a Mentoring Session. If you are a doula, birth photographer, or other kind of birth worker in Minneapolis, St. Paul, or the surrounding areas and you’d like to grow your business, get in touch! Also, I’m booked up for births for the year but my calendar for Real Postpartum sessions is wide open, and I would love to capture you and your little one(s) at whatever stage of postpartum you’re in. Have a great weekend!
June 13, 2019 | 4:23 am
Welcome to the world, sweet girl! We’re so glad you’re here!
Advice from a 90-year-old: how to be happy
Science says that pregnant women are close to the maximum for human endurance (h/t my dad)
A few gift guides for Father’s Day (or the person in your life with a June or July birthday)
I want this for my home
Binge-worthy: Fleabag and Dead to Me (both are funny, dark, and so well done)
A page-turner that I liked so much, I gifted three copies to friends and family at the end of 2018
Bust out the grill and make this tasty recipe this weekend! Yum!
The politics of black motherhood: The Meaning of ‘Motherwork’
Studies show that we should replace everyday underwear annually. I have some culling to do! Kent Woman is here for us.
Support Planned Parenthood Southeast with this simple and beautiful tea towel
The new book from the author of Expecting Better, which is already on my nightstand
“It turns out that far more microplastics are hidden deep in the ocean than on the surface.”
The ladybug bloom (at least it wasn’t locusts)
If you’re in the Twin Cities, check out these great free events in Minneapolis and St. Paul:
Free pics of your dog by Leslie Plesser of Shuttersmack at the Copilot Dog Outfitters anniversary party: 12-3 on June 8
National Get Outdoors Day: Powderhorn Park, 4-8 p.m. on June 7
Summer Flower Show: Marjorie McNeely Conservatory at Como Park, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. daily from April 27-Sept. 29
Rose and Melvin Smith: Remembering Rondo: Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum
4th Annual Chalkfest at Arbor Lakes: The Shoppes at Arbor Lakes, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. on June 8 and 9
Juneteenth Celebration: North Regional Library, 1-3 p.m. on June 9
Also in the Twin Cities:
Tare Market: a zero waste package-free shop in Minneapolis
Hola Postpartum: an amazing new postpartum meal delivery service
On a personal note, I’m almost completely booked for birth photography sessions in 2019! If you’re birthing in November in Minneapolis, St. Paul, or the surrounding areas, get in touch! As always, my calendar for Real Postpartum sessions is wide open, and I would love to capture you and your little one(s) at whatever stage of postpartum you’re in. Have a great weekend!
June 6, 2019 | 1:51 am
Welcome to the world, sweet girl! We’re so glad you’re here!
Welcome to the world, sweet boy! We’re so glad you’re here!
May 20, 2019 | 3:33 pm
It was such an honor to be invited to capture the arrival of this sweet girl. And to see the look on her grandfather’s face when he found out she’d been named after him? Hearthburstingly wonderful.
Welcome to the world, Ricki! We’re so glad you’re here!
“With baby number two, I wanted to take ownership of this body that has created two little lives and love every lump, bump, curve, and line that comes with it. These photos not only help me feel empowered but serve as a reminder on days where I might not love my body like I should, that it’s done some amazing things. Because the female form is beautiful and so god damn strong, it should be photographed and celebrated daily.”
Real Postpartum details: $300 | up to one hour | 10 images
Contact me for more information or to book your session today!
Book an honest storytelling session at home in Minneapolis, St. Paul, or the surrounding metro area with baby to document a fleeting and unique season in your life. The days are long, the nights are longer, and the baby you spent so much time waiting for is finally in your arms for you to kiss and memorize and adore.
This is an opportunity to practice authentic self-love. To honor your body exactly as it is — swollen, naked and milk-stained; you're exhausted and thrilled and oh so in love. Feeling the hazy daze of new parenthood, no longer pregnant, learning and healing and growing; you're changed and on the cusp of something new.
This intimate collection of images celebrates the new, the hectic, the gorgeous. Embrace this moment and preserve it with a documentary session so you can always remember this special time.
Real Postpartum details: $300* | up to one hour | 10 images
*$250 with purchase of a birth package / +$50 for milk bath
Contact me for more information or to book your session today!
The placenta is an incredible organ. I always try to capture at least one image of the placenta at each birth I attend. I find them to be fascinating, but for those who may not find them appealing, there are many reasons to respect them. Here are nine interesting facts you may not know about your baby's placenta.
a true knot in the cord
Cords knots occur in less than 2% of pregnancies. Most are relatively loose and don’t present a problem. Many times, the knots we see at birth were loose in the uterus and become tight through the delivery process. A substance called Wharton's jelly provides cushioning around the important blood vessels of the cord and protects them even if the cord gets knotted. As long as the knot remains loose, it won't cause harm to your baby. If the knot becomes tight, it could interfere with the circulation of blood from the placenta to the baby and cause oxygen deprivation. Such a complication is most likely to occur during your baby's descent through the birth canal, but these cases are rare. More common than knots are nuchal cords, the technical term for when the cord wraps around a baby's neck. Nuchal cords occur in as many as a quarter of all pregnancies and rarely pose risks to the baby.
the mother’s side of the placenta. this is the side that was attached to the uterus
in part, because the wound the placenta leaves inside the uterus needs time to heal. Allowing yourself to rest and recover with the support of family and friends in the first four to six weeks after delivering your baby will set both you and baby up for better health in the long run. To learn more about this, please read The First Forty Days and The Fourth Trimester. “As modern mothers are pushed to prematurely ‘bounce back’ after delivering their babies, and are often left alone to face the physical and emotional challenges of this radically new chapter of their lives, The First Forty Days stands as a lifeline—a source of connection, nourishment, and guidance. It is the perfect ally for the first few weeks with a new baby…and beyond.”
When you breathe, your body provides oxygen to your organs and tissues. During pregnancy, the pregnant person does the same thing for the fetus through the placenta. The oxygen passes through the placenta and the umbilical cord and is delivered into your baby’s bloodstream. The placenta also acts as your baby’s kidneys by filtering out waste. As baby is born, their lungs quickly adapt to life on the outside. Leaving the cord attached for a few minutes after birth (wait for white!), known as delayed cord clamping, helps them go through this process smoothly. (Evidence)
During pregnancy, the placenta transfers antibodies that provide immune protection from the mother to the fetus. These antibodies provide three to six months of immunity for the baby after it is born.
a gush of blood lets you know that your placenta has started to detach
Fetal cells can transfer to the mother during pregnancy, and they seem to target sites of injury. These cells have been found in the skin, liver, kidney and bone marrow in healthy women as well as women with autoimmune diseases. They have also been found in women with diseases like hepatitis C and cervical cancer. There is evidence that the presence of these cells is increased in diseased tissues. The placenta also creates cells to protect the mother’s heart and fend off breast cancer.
the membranes, or amniotic sac, are hanging off of this placenta. baby was born en caul
While it isn’t the placenta itself creating a new mother’s breast milk, it does have a role. When the placenta has separated, it triggers the production of prolactin. Prolactin is a hormone responsible for milk production. Once your milk comes in, it is produced on a supply and demand basis. The more often the milk is removed from your breasts (by baby or breast pump), the more milk your breasts will produce.
a unique cord insertion
When a sperm fertilizes the egg, the cells begin to quickly multiply. The egg and sperm become a blastocyst. The blastocyst becomes the placenta and the baby. Not only does the placenta belong to the baby and it’s mama, it also contains genetics from the father!
extended delayed cord clamping
we can see the cord, the baby’s side of the placenta, and the membranes which held the baby
After you give birth, you'll continue to have mild contractions. Your health care provider might give you a medication called Pitocin to reduce postpartum bleeding (here’s the evidence on that). Your provider might also massage your lower abdomen to encourage your uterus to contract and expel the placenta. This is called a fundal massage and many people find it to be incredibly unpleasant. You might be asked to push one more time to deliver the placenta. If you have a C-section, your surgeon will remove the placenta from your uterus during the procedure. Your provider will examine the placenta to make sure it it is intact. Remaining fragments must be removed to prevent bleeding and infection.
another true knot
Real Postpartum: capture the fleeting moments of motherhood
I love these intimate motherhood portrait sessions. For my birthday a few weeks ago, I put the word out that I wanted to celebrate another trip around the sun by documenting a few mamas and their babies. This sweet mama reached out with a request to capture a bit of her breastfeeding relationship with her second (and last) baby. She breastfed his older sister until she was three and plans to breastfeed him until he weans. In her own words: “I feel this part of motherhood is fleeting as I blinked and my first born is already four.” After documenting mama and her baby, we brought big sister and daddy in front of the camera too. I absolutely adore the collection of images we made. Below is a selection of images that mama approved for sharing.
Live in Minneapolis, St. Paul, or the surrounding areas and want to book a postpartum photography session? Click here.
You may not know this, but hiring a tall birth photographer has its advantages. Minneapolis and St. Paul have an abundance of birthplaces that my birth photography clients can choose from. Not only do the Twin Cities have several hospitals as well as a handful of fantastic birth centers, but we also have a ton of wonderful homebirth midwives who work in the area. We are fortunate to have such a progressive environment in which to be pregnant, giving birth, and adjusting to life as a parent and rediscovering ourselves in our postpartum time. The variety of wonderful Minnesota birthplaces gives me plenty of opportunities to be creative while I'm documenting births. One of my very favorite angles to capture is a shot of birth from above. Whether I'm preserving a bit of labor, delivery, or those beautiful first moments with your baby in your arms, there’s something so special about capturing this overhead perspective. Take a look if you like!
12:00 pm | April 26, 2019
It’s always a treat to attend a birth with my doula partner, Gina, and this one was no exception. Our lovely client had a long, slow labor with her first kiddo. Two and a half years ago, the weather was dreary. After two long days of contractions, her water finally broke as her baby was born. This time around, she woke up at 6:30 am after a good night of sleep to a thump — her water had broken! She texted us right away to let us know what had happened and said she’d keep us posted. After an hour, Gina spoke to her husband on the phone and could tell that things were ramping up. She let me know she’d be joining them soon and told me to get ready. When she arrived, our client was starting to feel like pushing. Fortunately, I was already on my way. By the time I walked into their apartment a few minutes later ready to start documenting with my cameras around my neck, things were in full swing. Water was flowing into the birth pool, their sweet kiddo was contentedly watching a show while his mama labored next to him, and their wonderful midwife was setting up her things. A few beautiful hours later, we got to photograph them as they met their newest little baby.
Welcome to the world, Cedar. We’re so glad you’re here.
Gina and I were so thrilled to provide our Doula Support + Birth Photography package to this family and we were even more excited when they chose to add on a Birth Announcment Film and a Birth Story Film. If you’d like to learn more about our team, visit our service page.
(updated July 2019)
As a birth photographer based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, I’ve photographed over 100 birth stories. I’ve been hired by people who hadn’t heard of birth photography until after their first baby was born and then just had to have a birth photographer at their second birth. I’ve been hired by people who knew they wanted the once-in-a-lifetime moments at their birth captured before they even got pregnant. And I’ve been hired by people who had a less than stellar experience with a birth photographer the last time around and hired me because they valued birth photography and wanted to protect their investment. Their stories inspired this post. As a full-time professional birth photographer in the Twin Cities, I want you to have the best possible experience at your birth, and I want your birth photos to be something that you can always cherish.
What Do I Need To Know About Birth Photography?
Experience matters. A birth photographer is a lot different than any other kind of photographer. Birth photographers need to be able to shoot in every type of lighting situation, day or night. I’ve documented over 100 births in the Twin Cities, and my skills have grown and developed with each one. (See a few photos from my very first birth on my about page — how far I’ve come!) From dark birth center births to beautifully lit daytime home births to hospital births with mixed lighting, I know my camera inside and out and can expertly capture your birth story.
We’re only human, after all. Sometimes, despite our best intentions and lots of planning, a birth photographer won’t be able to make it to a birth. Your birth photographer should have a support network around them and at least two dedicated backups who can step in if they are ill or already at a birth when your baby decides it’s go time. Ask to see their portfolios, make sure they’ll adhere to the model release you have with your birth photographer, and find out what their qualifications are.
My fantastic doula partner Gina of The Sown Seed is at the top of my list if I am unavailable to attend a birth and she is so ridiculously talented. Here’s a preview of a birth that she captured for me while I was across town at a different hospital with another client. I’m so lucky to have Gina and a few other incredible women in my Minneapolis birth photography community.
Your photographer should be comfortable supporting you through a surgical birth. Make sure they are open to the idea of not only witnessing but also documenting the process for you if you want them to. Ask to see examples of other c-sections that they’ve documented and make sure you know what your hospital’s policy is on photography in the operating room.
Maybe you’d like to capture not only the sights of your birthing experience but the sounds, motions, and emotions too. Does your photographer offer videography too? And do they know how to capture video footage while they’re taking photos? Having multiple cameras makes this possible, and it’s one of my favorite things to do for clients. Many of my birth photography clients in Minneapolis and St. Paul request that I capture video footage as well as stills for the moment of birth. Here are two recent examples.
To know whether your birth photographer is a good fit for you, you should see the full story and not just what they put on their website and social media pages. Any professional worth hiring will have a full gallery available to share with you.
What to look for:
Are the images high quality? All of the photos should be in focus and not blurry. They shouldn’t be too grainy. Too much grain, or staticky speckles on the images, indicates either improper exposure in the camera, over-editing, or an inability to work in low light.
Do you like how the photographer edits their images? Digital photography is meant to be manipulated, and every photographer has their own style. Make sure you want your photos to look the way the photographer processes/edits their images.
Are the photos in color or black and white? Be sure the photographer’s style aligns with what you want. A good birth photographer will be able to deliver most images from your session in color and should be able to provide any image in black and white too.
Here are links to a few of my full birth galleries: Zoey (hospital), Baby Liv (home birth), Roman (birth center), and Robyn (birth center).
Cameras need light to work, and there isn’t usually much light in the middle of the night. A well-lit daytime birth is rare. Is your birth photographer going to be able to handle the low light when the lights are dimmed down at your birthplace?
Look at the images that your photographer showcases on their website. Do they feature a variety of lighting situations? Are they as capable of making beautiful images in a dim room as they are in one of those rare sunny daytime births? Not only can births be dark, but sometimes the lighting is incredibly complex. Between overhead fluorescents, ambient lighting, natural light, the surgical light that is usually turned on for the moment of birth at a hospital, and even operating room lights, a variety of light sources is something that a pro will know how to navigate.
It’s easier than ever to say you’re a photographer, but any birth photographer worth their salt will be operating a legal business with a business license, insurance, and professional quality gear. Merely owning a camera does not make one a professional photographer. And entry level-equipment doesn’t do super well in birth. Along with having high quality cameras, lenses, and cards, your photographer should know how to use their camera on manual settings.
A professional birth photographer will be running a sound business as well as using pro-level gear, working with backups, and signing a contract and model release with their clients. Is your photographer charging a living wage? What is their turnaround time? Are they continuing their education in the field? While you don’t necessarily need to know all the details of how they run their business, working with a professional gives you a lot of peace of mind.
Your birth photographer should be able to tell you exactly what they include in your package, and you shouldn’t have to worry about how much you’ll end up spending later. If they list their prices on their website, great! If they send you a cost sheet via email, great! As long as they are transparent about what they are selling you and it’s part of your contract, you’re good. If you’d like to see my pricing for birth photography in Minneapolis and St. Paul, click here. Interested in videography too? Here you go!
Your birth photographer should have you sign a model release that doesn’t permit them to share a single image if that’s what you want. I’m so fortunate that so many of my clients have allowed me to share their beautiful and intimate birth images — but I do not require them to do so. As far as that image goes — you know… the crowning shot — if you want your photographer to capture that specific moment where your baby is thisclose to being in your arms, they should be able to! Barring a super speedy delivery or an emergency situation, a professional birth photographer understands the ins and outs (ha!) of birth well enough to be able to get that shot. Alternately, if you’re concerned about modesty, a pro will know how to work with your preferences and can find creative angles to preserve your privacy.
And finally, one last question to ask. I almost didn’t include this one because I don’t have kids of my own (yet! fingers crossed) but it comes up in interviews every once in a while so I figured I should address it. H/T to Hannah of Milk and Hannah for addressing this in her own fantastic post about questions to ask your birth photographer! Below is a direct copy from her site. She said it better than I could have!
The vast majority of birth photographers, I’d put my money on 80%, are parents to young-ish children. And children are the best, they really are, but… they make it absolutely impossible to do what you need to do when you need to do it.
If your birth photographer has babies at home, ask them what their childcare plan is. Birth doesn’t normally happen Monday through Friday, 9 am to 5 pm, it happens during Father’s Day brunch (been there!), it happens at 2 am on a Wednesday, and on Christmas Eve while everyone is still sleeping. It sometimes lasts for four hours, and other times lasts for 37.
Childcare for a birth photographer should be covered 24/7, 365 days a year, with little notice and no time limits.
If your choice doesn’t have a 24/7 care plan laid out, ask what the backup plan is — if they have no backup plan, you may want to consider another option.
Specific details you’ll want to know: Are you covered 24/7 in the time surrounding my guess date? What if my birth unfolds during a holiday or celebration? How much time does it take you to finalize childcare arrangements after being notified that I’m in labor?
Thank you, Hannah!
Is there anything else you think I should suggest that birthing people ask their prospective birth photographer? Let me know in the comments!
“Hiring an experienced birth photographer isn’t cheap. But remember, your birth photos will be one of the greatest treasures of your life. Your birth photographer will be on-call for you (24/7) for weeks. She’ll leave birthday parties, holidays. She’ll wake up at 3am to sit with your family for hours. She’ll bring thousands of dollars worth of equipment. She’ll move through your birth space with grace and skill. She’ll capture the big moments and the small moments. She’ll edit each of your images carefully. She’ll weave together your story…a story you’ll hold onto for the rest of your life. Hiring an experienced birth photographer is worth it. I promise.”
Learn more about Meredith Westin, the leading birth photographer in the Twin Cities.
Do you still have questions? Visit my FAQ, read my about page, or send me a message.
I first met this fantastic couple at the Twin Cities Birth and Baby Expo way back at the beginning of November. We ended up in line together for lunch and got to chatting. Fast forward a few months and I got to witness them working together to meet their sweet baby. Dad was so incredibly supportive, mama was focused and relaxed, and seeing their emotional reactions as their baby was lifted into their arms brought me to tears.
One of the questions they asked me in our interview was: how long will it take you to drive to our birthplace? The longest it has ever taken me to get to a birth is 43 minutes. I live 15 to 20 minutes from most of the birth centers and hospitals in Minneapolis and St. Paul, and, because I don't have kids of my own and am almost always on call, it rarely takes me more than a few minutes to get out the door. In fact, I have beaten doulas, family members, and even partners to births! Their birthplace, St. Francis, is a little bit farther away from my home than most of the other hospitals in the Twin Cities but it still takes only about a half an hour to get from my driveway to a clients' bedside in Shakopee. Because birth is so unpredictable, knowing that members of your birth team can get to you quickly if needed can take some of the stress that goes along with anticipating your labor and delivery out of the equation. Frequently, clients also want to know how many births I’ve attended as a birth photographer (nearly 100), if I’ll be sharing photographs from their birth online (only if I have their permission), and how long I stay after baby’s birth (up to two hours to capture all those sweet first moments).
One of the most common questions I get from friends and acquaintances is: "What's it like being on call all the time?" — and that question is usually followed up by: "Do you ever go out?!" and "Can you drink?"! I love being on call. The anticipation of getting to photograph a birth for one of my clients is incredible. My personality and lifestyle make being on call relatively simple. My spare camera batteries are always charged, fresh memory cards are always in my cameras, my camera bag/snack bag/overnight bag are always packed and ready to go next to the door, and I make sure my car always has fuel in it. I do go out - but I bring my gear with me and am always prepared to dash at a moment's notice. As for drinking, I don't. I never did drink much and becoming a doula and birth worker made the desire to drink all but disappear. Do you have any questions about what it’s like for me to work as a birth photographer in Minneapolis and St. Paul? I’d love to continue the conversation!
If you're looking for a birth or postpartum photographer in the Twin Cities, don't hesitate to reach out. xo
April 13th, 2019 | 9:57 am
As the leading birth photographer in Minneapolis and St. Paul, I am honored to bear witness to incredible transformations on a weekly basis. I document raw beauty, pure strength, and authentic love. This birth was no exception.
When Helena reached out to me way back in August about having the birth of her sweet Nina photographed, I was thrilled. As April approached, she decided to add videography on to her package and I was so excited to be able to capture even more of her birth story. Helena's baby would be born via a gestational carrier (GC), a wonderful woman who was as excited about having the birth documented as we were. As their guess date approached, little Nina showed a bit of her personality by teasing her GC and her parents with start and stop contractions for over a week. Finally, in the early hours of April 13th, the contractions became too much to deal with at home and we all met up at United Hospital in St. Paul, Minnesota.
Nina's GC has a history of fast labors. When I arrived at the hospital at 4 am, I half-expected to meet sweet Nina within minutes -- and not just because of her GC’s history but also because a few recent babies had been in such a rush to join us that I only got to spend a short while with their mamas before capturing their moment of birth. This time around, things went a bit slower. An epidural... a bit of pitocin... and then they decided to break the GC's bag of waters (called AROM or artificial rupture of membranes). That kicked things into high gear and baby was born just a half an hour later, after only two pushes.
I just adore the sweet looks on her parent's faces as they witnessed her birth. And the moment shared between the amazing gestational carrier and Nina's incredible mama... so touching! I hope you enjoy looking at this sneak peek into Nina's birth as much as I enjoyed capturing it.
If you're looking for a birth photographer or videographer in the Twin Cities, don't hesitate to reach out. xo
I always love it when past birth clients reach out for a photo session. This sweet mama and her baby were among my first birth center clients and seeing her rock her birth gave me a new appreciation for just how incredible birth and birthing people are. She requested a milk bath, provided those gorgeous flowers and crowns, and away we went! Preserving a bit of her breastfeeding relationship with her baby was such a treat and I’m so glad we made it happen. The fourth trimester is a time of such change and taking a moment to celebrate and honor it is one of my favorite ways of celebrating parenthood.
Real Postpartum: $500 | up to 30 images | up to two hours
full print and download release included
Real Postpartum is an intimate session with you and your babe in the days, weeks, months, or even years after their birth. If you're breast/chest feeding, bottle feeding, or even solidly into solids, let’s celebrate your relationship with your baby. Honor your body exactly as it is and preserve a glimpse into the intimate bond you share with your child.
$500 ($250 with the purchase of a birth package) | at home (milk bath add on an option)
up to two hours | a minimum of 15 images